Healthy living along with a proper diet is one of the most important goals of everybody in life. In the meantime, some people think that it is difficult and requires a heavy diet. What do you think is the truth? The fact is that having a healthy diet is easily possible by following some simple tips. One of the most harmful parts of the diet of most people is the excessive consumption of sweets and sugary products. Sugar has very high calories and causes various diseases. If you think that there is no substitute for regular sugar, you are very wrong! Stevia is a natural sweetener and could be a good sugar substitute.
Stevia is an organic substance obtained from the Stevia rebaudiana plant. This substance is a member of the chrysanthemum family and is considered a subgroup of the Asteraceae family. Stevia or Stevia rebaudiana is the name of a very dense shrub that belongs to the Kasnian family.
Whereas this plant is 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar, it requires around 20% less land and much less water to deliver the same sum of sweetness as other existing sweeteners.
some benefits of Stevia:
No calories, feeling satiety, losing appetite, reducing the risk of heart disease, controlling blood sugar, helping to quit smoking, blood pressure treatment, healing liver disease, helping oral hygiene, improving the osteoporosis condition, rejuvenating and refreshing the facial skin, and treatment of skin eczema.
Stevia prevents some cancers. The results of the research showed that a glycoside called stevioside was found in the stevia plant, which helps to kill cancer cells in human breast cancer tissue, and reduces the growth of cancer in the body.
Since stevia has recently entered the consumer basket of the people, researchers have not yet conducted a comprehensive study on this sweetener and all the research is based on the short-term effects of Stevia.
All in all, Stevia can easily find its place in people’s diets with its countless benefits and become an important part of meals.